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Unity Vehicle Physics

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Unity Vehicle Physics

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Sound links:Engine: http://www freesound org/people/cr4sht3st/sounds/157144/Hover Engine: http://freesound. Click

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apache org/licenses/LICENSE-2 0 htmlSounds are from freesound org, some of which are public domain, others are under either the Creative Commons Attribution license or the Creative Commons Sampling Plus license.. As long as the code from this repository is not being sold by itself, what is being sold is most likely permissable.. Read the section of the manual about project settings to make sure you copy the ones that are important and address potential conflicts with your own project settings. 2

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Documentation can be found in the manual Import the repository into the top level of a blank Unity project folder to make sure everything works.

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6 The most recent Unity version it has been tested with is 2019 2 9 It aims to achieve semi-realistic, general-purpose driving mechanics.. After a pull request is approved, it can be merged into the master branch If you feel up to it, you can try tackling one of the issues in the issues tab above.. Valid commercial projects include compiled applications and/or 'assets' containing uncompiled source code.. If you add new properties/variables when contributing, make sure their default values do not change the behavior of the included prefabs.. Basically, it must include substantial modifications and/or additions All models and textures are public domain and were created for this package. ae05505a44 Click

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This was originally sold on the asset store as Randomation Vehicle Physics 2 0 You may contribute by first pulling the repository into your own fork where you can add commits, then creating a pull request to merge your changes.. Industry OEMs and car manufacturers use Vehicle Physics Pro for prototyping, testing and improving vehicles and related technologies in Unity.. Font:Roboto under the Apache licensehttp://www google com/fonts/specimen/Robotohttp://www.. After that, you can attempt to import it into your own project, but be mindful when merging the project settings.. Code is licensed under the MIT License You can sell projects that use code from this repository as long as the MIT License is included with indications that it applies to the original code here. HERE